Best Books for BAPE
0Christmas is almost here and if you’re like me, then you havn’t even began shopping yet. Already the stores are getting crazy, so why not just buy things online and have them shipped right to my door.
Obviously, BAPE clothing is a great gift however if you don’t want to spend too much why not get someone some of these books.
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A Bathing Ape (Hardcover) – By Nigo[/amazon_link]
- [amazon_link id=”0847834344″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
KAWS (Hardcover) [/amazon_link]
- [amazon_link id=”1844137864″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
Wall and Piece (Hardcover) – By Banksy[/amazon_link]
- [amazon_link id=”0847833119″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
Supreme (Hardcover) – By James Jebbia Featuring KAWS[/amazon_link]
- [amazon_link id=”389955292X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]
Faile: Prints + Originals 1999-2009 (Hardcover) – By Faile [/amazon_link]

New BAPEX Clear Watch Released
BAPEX Clear Watches

A Bathing Ape has released some new BAPEX Clear watches. They tweeted about it today so it will be on the site soon. I prefer the standard BAPEX watches, however these are pretty sharp as well. A lot of people are saying that the BAPE Clear watch was copied from the company Toy Watch. Who knows, they do look similar but the BAPE version is definitely better.
If A Bathing Ape is looking for any more styles, or inspiration for new designs; they should check out Luminox watches and make one that has fluorescent tubes.

BAPE x Burton – Concept Design
Ever wish that BAPE would release a snowboard line? I’ve been thinking about it and decided to make up some concept designs. So far, BAPE has come out with some snowboard jackets but that’s about it. BAPE could team up with Burton and come out with some snowboards, snowboard boots, some new snowboarding jackets, toques, gloves, goggles, etc… There really is quite a bit of gear which could be made.
Bape snowboard Jackets
Here are the current
BAPE Snowboard Jacket
designs.BAPE Snowboard Boots
Check out these Nike snowboard boots. BAPE could definitely do better. Hopefully, they see this post as get the ball rolling for next winter.

BAPE Corduroy Bape Sta shoes
0The first BAPE skateboard shoe
A Bathing Ape has just released a new line of corduroy BAPESTA shoes. If you are a skateboarder, these shoes would be perfect for skating. After seeing these, I am thinking that BAPE should release a skateboard/snowboard line of clothing. They wouldn’t have to change too many things to do this. They already have the backpacks, jackets, cargo pants, etc… I would love to see some BAPE skateboard decks, wheels, trucks, and grip tape. They could also release some cool BAPE snowboards, and boots.

0I’ve always thought Baby Milo would make a good video game character. Too bad it didn’t happend when BAPE and Nintendo teamed up to release the BAPE Nintendo DS. Well, the wait is over. I have found two flash based games (Sorry iPhone/iPad users). The first game is the Baby Milo Memory Game. The object of the game is to remember a pattern that you are shown. The icons will be shown to you and will then disappear. You need to use the icons on the right side bar and drag them into their proper spots. You will have about a minute to do so, so you must be quick. The game gets harder as you go along. Good luck!
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