Stussy BAPE “Surivival Of The Fittest” New Years release
0A Bathing Ape and Stussy have released a couple more items specifically for New Years. The new items are a BAPEX watch, a sport jacket and some limited edition t-shirts. If you live in the U.K. you might have been a lucky recipient of a BAPE Gift Card. If you were one of the lucky ones, why not use your gift card to go and pick up the Survival of the Fittest limited collection from Stussy and A Bathing Ape. The jackets look good, and so do the t-shirts but my personal favorite is the BAPEX watch. The only downside is that it only comes in black, although that isn’t necessarily a bad thing (at least they didn’t choose to go with a bad colour).
STUSSY & A Bathing Ape BAPEX
All of the items are on sale now. If you want some in time for your New Years Eve, then you better move quick as you only have one day left. Also, if you are in New York City; you better get to the BAPE store today since it will be closed on December 31st. The London BAPE store is open New Years Eve from 11am to 4pm.
STUSSY & A Bathing Ape Sports Jackets
And last but not least, the limited BAPE STUSSY “Survival Of The Fittest” t-shirts.
STUSSY & A Bathing Ape “Survival of the Fittest” limited t-shirts.
That’s all for now folks. This year has definitely been busy for BAPE, there was a ton of new collections and a lot of awesome new styles. I will be doing a best and worst of 2010 for all the BAPE items released this year which should have some interesting items.
On behalf of us here at, Have a safe and very happy New Years.

It’s going to be a BAPE Christmas! BAPE Christmas Wallpaper
0It is almost December and already stores have got themselves into the Christmas spirit. Even BAPE has already released their BAPE Christmas T-Shirts. In the spirit of things, I have created a new wallpaper with a Christmas theme to it. You can find it in the BAPE Wallpapers section along with many other A Bathing Ape wallpapers.

A Bathing DOG? – BAPE pooch series has been released
0Own a dog? Get your four legged friend some BAPE with the new BAPE for dogs line that has been released. The series is known as BAPE DOG STORE and there is a lot of different items to get.

Bathing APE Halloween T-Shirts
0It is almost time for Hallowe’en again. Hope you all have your costumes ready because it is coming up this weekend. If you don’t why not make a Baby Milo costume or if your not that good at making costumes, just get one of these BAPE Hallowe’en t-shirts.
Baby Milo and friends.
Baby Milo hiding in a pumpkin.

BAPE meets UGG boots
0The winter season is approaching and it looks like A Bathing Ape is hoping to cash in on the UGG craze. The BAPE foot soldier boots are made from sheep skin and come in four different colours.
If you live in a country with a winter season, you will probably be familiar with the road salt which is used to get rid of the ice all over the roads. A crappy side effect is that it leaves a nasty white stain on your jeans and shoes (it can be washed off). The beige boots won’t be so bad for this but the black boots will show it like crazy. Either way, I don’t need to worry since I won’t be wearing these since they are obviously a girls style. I always think it is good though when BAPE does make girl styles since they do make up half the worlds population (maybe more, havn’t ran my stats in awhile!). Check our the four colour styles below, and leave a comment on your thoughts.