0If you have ever been to the Official BAPE site, you would remember having to download a program that you install on your computer. It was a cool concept but could get annoying very quickly. Now the site has been designed in flash and functions almost the same as the software did. With the new site design, I think BAPE should look at making an online store. They could do it in BAPE style and try to make a revolutionary online store rather then the basic e-commerce site with a shopping cart feature. So if you still havn’t seen the new site, click here to get a head start.
BAPE All Stars
0This is the Japanese equivalen to the Wu Tang Clan, except more people. Everyone is pretty good except Hi-D, he is the japanese michal jackson.
Nigo Interviews.
0I have added some interviews with Nigo to the about section, you can get to them by click on the menu on the right side of the page or by click here.
BAPE and Nintendo create BAPE themed Nintendo DS.
BAPE themed Nintendo DS.
Nintendo and BAPE have teamed up to create a Nintendo DS with a BAPE theme. There are two styles, white and gold. Both are being sold to the public on April 1st, 2oo8 at Nigo’s Favorite Shop. They will cost Y16,800 yen or $168 dollars. I am guessing that these will sell out on the first day so if you want one be there early. I would have liked to see a camo theme but I guess BAPE can only do so much with the camo. This better not be an April Fools joke.